Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
(2 Corinthians 9:6-7)
Giving to the work of the Lord should be a significant part of our worship of the Lord. We give to the Lord when we give to support the work of the Church.
You can give in a number of ways.
We do not 'take up' collections during our services but we do have boxes at all the exits to our chapel building for you to use for your tithes and offerings in cash or cheque. These boxes are emptied after every service.
If you would prefer to send a gift you can do so by cheque made payable to 'Laxfield Baptist Chapel' and sent to 'The Treasurer' Laxfield Baptist Chapel, The Street, Laxfield, Woodbridge, IP13 8EB.
You can also give by bank transfer to our Laxfield Baptist Chapel CAF Bank Account using Account Number 00008911 and Sort Code 40-52-40.
You can earmark your offerings to be assigned to one or more of the following funds.
The General Fund is the default, if you don't specify where you would like your gift to go then it will go here. This is for the day to day running of the church. We also give to other Christian organisations from this fund.
The Building Fund is for the extension and renovation of our buildings. A project to extend and improve our Chapel Hall is currently underway and funds are needed to complete this work.
The Kitchen Fund is a fund we have set up for people to give toward equipping a new kitchen which will be used extensively for both the fellowship and the wider community.
Please mark your gift according to which fund you would like it to be a part of.
Gift Aid allows us to claim a further 25% of your gift from the government. If you pay UK tax please consider giving under the Gift Aid scheme; email our treasurer for more details (treasurer@laxfieldbaptist.org.uk).