Following statements made by the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State of Health and Social Care in which they have asked us all to socially distance ourselves from one another we feel that it is right and proper that we cancel all Laxfield Baptist Church services, meetings, activities and events until further notice (this includes Children’s and Young People’s meetings) in order to protect those who regularly attend our meetings and the communities in which we live.
We will continue to stream a form of our Sunday morning service on our Facebook page and/or on YouTube as we have been doing for some time.
We are looking into ways in which we can ‘meet’ online on Sunday Evenings and for prayer during the week. For those without internet access, we are hoping to offer DVD recordings of the Sunday Morning Service as soon as possible after the service.
We will also be producing weekly prayer letters in order to, corporately, make our requests known to the Lord. Please let Pastor Tim know if you have any specific prayer requests that we can share with the fellowship for prayer.
It is essential that we as a Church continue to support each other and those around us, so please:
Keep in touch with one another as much as possible – “it’s good to talk”!
Share your prayer requests with one another and with the Church via Pastor Tim.
Let Pastor Tim or Andrew Chilvers know if you have any particular practical or indeed spiritual needs.
Please remember the Lord’s command to “love your neighbour as yourself” and look out for those around you.
We are working with others in Laxfield to provide help & support to residents of Laxfield who may find themselves in particular need at this time.
The situation nationally and internationally is evolving rapidly and as the need arises, we will do our best to keep you updated regarding Church. We will issue guidance for making the best use of the resources available to us in order to be the Church that the Lord desires us to be even during these very difficult times.
Please stay in touch, be much in prayer and draw near to God.
Pastor Tim can be reached via email at or by phone and text on 07801206360
Andrew Chilvers can be reached via email at or by phone and text on 07981971022
“Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always”
1 Chronicles 16:11